K.moriyama KM1109 C1
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※ オンラインストアでは、遠近・中近・近々両用レンズのお取り扱いはございません。ご希望の場合は、「レンズ交換チケット」をお選びの上、お近くのOWNDAYS店舗へお越しください。また、「レンズ交換チケット」をお選び頂いても、一部作成できないフレーム(サウナメガネ等)もございます。
The half-rim type is the square type metal frame suit for male with applying the special shape hinges to reduce the stress while wearing because of the flexibility. Temple is applying plastic and metal titanium front with the flexible metal hinge part, which is applyingβ titanium would be able to provide the sharp image so that it will be recommended for business use.
P/No. KM1109 Type Square Collections K.moriyama Gender Nose Pad Asian fit Material Plastic Titanium Size 54□17-140○31.0
Size Guide -
※ オンラインストアでは、遠近・中近・近々両用レンズのお取り扱いはございません。ご希望の場合は、「レンズ交換チケット」をお選びの上、お近くのOWNDAYS店舗へお越しください。また、「レンズ交換チケット」をお選び頂いても、一部作成できないフレーム(サウナメガネ等)もございます。
Customers who do not know their lens power or the type of lenses used
Please visit any OWNDAYS store near you if you plan to purchase progressive glasses or if you do not know your lens power. Complimentary eye test is available at all OWNDAYS stores. Click here to find a store near you.
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- Pre-order is not valid with any discount, promotion and/or privilege
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- ご希望の商品が再入荷しない場合もございますので予めご了承ください。
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- 人気商品に関しては、メール配信後、即完売する場合がございます。
PCレンズ (ブルーライトカット)
PCレンズ (ブルーライトカット)
度付き¥7,900 税込
¥4,400 税込
¥9,900 税込
¥7,900 税込
To optimise try-on accuracy, please ensure you are in a well-lit environment
K.moriyama KM1109 PHP6,490.00
To optimise try-on accuracy, please ensure you are in a well-lit environment
Size Guide
Sizing details can be found on either the left or right temple (the arm at the side of the spectacle frame).
Product Weight
OWNDAYS Product weight is measured as follows
- Frame : weight excludes demo lenses
- Sunglasses : weight is inclusive of lenses
- Clip-on Sunglasses (OWNDAYS SNAP) : weight is inclusive of demo lenses and clip-on attachment
K.moriyama KM1109 PHP6,490.00