Remote eye test

Experience top-level eye testing nationwide by experienced specialists.

Revolutionizing traditional eye testing:
Non-contact eye measurement

The "Remote Eye Test" connects eye testing machines installed in stores across the country with a control center at our Tokyo headquarters via a dedicated line. This system allows for eye testing remotely, even if there are no specialists present in the store.

Customers can have their eye tested without direct contact by conversing with staff who appear on a screen next to the eye testing machine.
At the control center, highly skilled specialists operate the eye testing machine remotely in real-time while communicating with the customer through the screen.

  • Traditional
    eye test

    Traditional eye test

  • Remote
    eye test

    Customer side

    Headquarters control center side

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Experience Remote eye test! | OWNDAYS TV

Check out how we experienced and reviewed OWNDAYS' pioneering "Remote Eye Test" system in the eyewear industry. We explain the benefits and provide clear insights into the service.

Benefits of Remote eye test

  • Top-level eye testing nationwide by
    experienced staff

  • Reduced waiting times for tests even
    during busy store hours

Expanding Nationwide

Supported languages and the number of available staff are continuously expanding.
Our experienced and highly skilled specialists are ready to assist you.